Microlab Northwest Sampling Methods ©
Attic Insulation
Attic Insulation
Step by Step
It is important to follow the instruction provided and use safety gear for your safety.
The following equipment is required:
1. Dust Mask
2. Spoon
3. Ziplock-type plastic sandwich bag
4. Paper
5. Pen
Sample Site Selection
1. A sample can be collected from any location in the attic. If variations in the appearance of the insulation are present then each different area of insulation should be sampled.
Collecting the Sample
1. The dust mask is an ineffective filter for fine particles but it will work better than no mask at all. It should be worn and care should be taken to minimize the generation of dust in the attic space.
2. Using the spoon, gently dig down toward the bottom of the insulation layer.
3. Collect some of the material along the bottom of the insulation layer with the spoon and deposit it in the plastic bag. Collect at least three heaping tablespoons full of insulation in the plastic bag.
4. Seal the plastic bag.
5. Write the location of the sample on a piece of paper and deposit the sample bag and the piece of paper in a second plastic bag.
The finished sample can be delivered to Microlab Northwest or mailed if well sealed and solidly packaged.